
Full Version: The Grand Opening
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we're so glad you're here;
Welcome all!

We are officially open now and with that comes a few adjustments over our beta period. We’ll break it down into the following; Vocation changes, guidebook adjustments, seasonal things to do, and advertisements.

Vocation Changes

We’ve streamlined them so that they are hopefully easier to understand and reworked how to go about leveling. Some new wording for the mastering of spells and magic help combine it with the item system that we’ve fleshed out finally.
  • Mages have had the biggest change, with a more detailed way to go about their leveling and deciding between the two tiers (Bound and Unbound). We hope this clarifies some of the confusion surrounding the differences between using their elements and spells!
  • Artisans have been given a clear run down on what levels they can make as they, too, level up and a better description of what to expect with each level they master.
  • We have removed the specific stats that we originally put in for characters to choose from and swapped it to a new system called Training. This is simply a thread training a specific stat where at least four of your posts must be focused on training that chosen stat. A character can redeem 5 stats per season. As your stat level goes up, so does the cost to train them! It takes 1 finished thread per stat level 6-10, 2 for 11-15, 3 for 16-20, 4 for 21-25, and 5 for 26-30.

Guidebook Adjustments

Aside from the readjustment of the vocations, we’ve streamlined the guidebook in general to try and keep it less overwhelming and we are working on adding more to our FAQ!
  • We have added a ‘what to do next’ page for anyone looking for ideas on what their character can focus on. This covers things like potential jobs and work they can pursue, broken down by their classes and vocations. It also goes over what to expect if your character is a Unk’kotoll native, or a visitor stuck in the lockdown.
  • Aristocrat classes have been updated with their class colors and symbols and locations in their drop downs.
  • The Store tab has been fleshed out with a description of how much a characters vocation can earn them while they work. For now, before these become automated, please post in the character updates thread to redeem them.

  • Seasonal Things To Do

    We’ve decided to add a seasonal list of things to do, which can cover anything from working on vocations and what to expect and try to do during each season. As the plot progresses, we’ll start throwing in some optional things your characters can do that can affect the plot and give some more grounding for your characters to have something to work toward.


    We're posted on a few sites that you can vote for us on! The buttons are at the bottom of the site. By clicking them and voting for us, we can get more members and more viewership! You can vote daily <3


    It is still a huge work in progress but we’re so happy to have you all here and if you have any questions please let us know so we know what to adjust! We’ve been in this world a little while now and some things might not make as much sense as we think they do. We appreciate fresh eyes and all the questions!