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In that, they both can agree – that the every day, run of the mill enforcer who wanted Samuel’s job were certainly not suited for it. But he speaks again and she watches him, lingering on every word that she says, the mannerisms in his speech, the little cues revealed in his face and voice as he explains the rumors that certainly everyone’s heard – her included. And she does pick up on his tone, drifting into a slight grimace of her own, gaze squinting a little at the thought. “[say]Do you think it has a chance to get far?[/say]” She asks with a frown, setting her cup down and cradling it despite it being empty, just to have something to do with her hands.

She’s not sure what side she wants to be on – at the end of the day, she’s as much a typical Plater as she hates. Sure, she might not deal in gossiping, but she does like her life up here, loves her day to day scheduling and the practicing of her magic. What kind of things would a full rebellion change for her? Would she get a choice? Or would she be roped into the thick of it because the Drenchers outnumbered the Platers? It's a sobering thought that has her silent and pondering for a few moments, watching him for his answer.
[say]"...I think it likely."[/say] Sam admitted after a pause. While he would never admit it, not even to himself except in the quiet dead of night, he almost wanted it. A chance to finally crush the part of him that had caused so much shame, that continued to whenever he was reminded just how foul it truly was below the Plates. For all of this to come to a head, be decided.

He could see that this conversation was frightening, or at the very least disturbing Rexanna; not wanting to be the cause of the Plates exploding into panic, Sam put all his social confidence into leaning forward and placing a hand on the table towards her. [say]"But you needn't worry. When this happened years ago, Enforcers and the Bravlets took care of it, and we will again."[/say] It had been bloody and messy, something discussed over and over in training regimes and strategy meetings, but it had been effective. They had found the leaders, gotten rid of them and crushed the spirits.
His admission only adds to Rexanna’s growing list of creature comforts getting snuffed away, and while the strategist seems to realize that it does instill a fair amount of discomfort for Rexanna, she now at least has a goal in mind as to what she might be able to do once the events happened. If they happened. However far they might go.

But he leans closer and she finds herself leaning toward him in turn, as if it were some secret they’re to share, her sapphire gaze dropping to the hand closest to her as his words reach her. “[say]I remember hearing the aftermath.[/say]” She murmurs softly, not that she’d been around but it certainly had been something she’d learned about. And she finds herself reaching out to rest her soft hand atop his own, flashing him as soothing a smile as she can. “[say]I won’t worry when there’s people like you at the spearhead.[/say]” She offers him in response, before she leans back and removes her hand, lest she overstep.
Rexanna mentioning only the aftermath highlighted how different their experiences were; the entire time was one long punishing slog in Sam's memory, the tragedy and pain simply becoming background noise to his work. Nothing, before or since, had been quite so gruelling.

The hand on his own caused him to look down - not flinch, not quite, but he was clearly surprised. With the words she said, the touch too...Sam felt a second of a heat on his face, a rise in his chest; he'd not felt like that since he was a young teenager and he drew his hand back quickly. [say]"..Thank you."[/say]

More than a little spooked by the moment of intimacy and noticing the sky change in the window beyond Rexanna, he swiftly stood up. [say]"Well, this has been a most...illuminating discussion. Goodbye."[/say] A curt and sudden ending, but the mistakes of the conversation, the things he'd let loose and the way she'd made him feel had all rushed up at once to create quite the sense of embarrassment.

Unless stopped, Sam would turn and walk with a surprising speed even with his limp and cane.
She doesn’t mean to surprise him, though perhaps she should have known better. She could offer pretty words all she wanted, yet there was something about the physical aspect of trying to prove it that seems to have shaken him. She’s just about to apologize after he draws his hand back quickly, noticing the light flush to his skin and the way it seems to throw him off, when he thanks her and stands, her eyes following him curiously as if the window didn’t exist for that mere moment.

“[say]Of course. It was nice to meet you.[/say]” She offers, returning to her easy pleasantries, focusing instead on letting him leave, mulling over the words he’d said and the reaction he’d had, wondering where exactly she’d crossed the line early on in their conversation – or if, perhaps, it was a mix of the both of them that had subtly overstepped until it became a bit too much and he’d needed to extract himself from the situation.

Either way, she watches the path he takes through the café and the bakery, until he disappears and she, too, stands to depart the cafe the second she thinks of what she should do next.

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