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[say]"Right. So you don't think he's secretly off to suck Enforcer cock or anything?"[/say] Adam asked the question in his typically crude manner, but it was a real query: was Ira's father doing anything untoward in the Plates? While plenty of Drenchers did make the trip up for legitimate business, there were also more than a few who made the visit in order to betray their fellow unfortunates.

He took the scraps Ira found with a nod and smile of thanks, though it was unlikely it would be particularly useful. Still, even just a bit of copper from an old wire could make all the difference...

This radio was going to be the ugliest device ever made.

News of a guy drew him from the box he been searching; Adam dropped some scrap metal as a wicked grin took over his face. [say]"Oooooh, tell me more. Is he hot?"[/say]
His suggestion has her pause for a brief moment, lips twitching in a small grimace, her brow pinching and she has to pull the handbrake on her mind before it could paint a too literal image. It's not something she wants to think about in that way, but some thoughts holding a less literal meaning take a few turns in her mind. [say]"Can't promise he isn't, because I don't really personally know him anymore. But whenever he's mentioned both Plates and Platers, it's been with great distaste."[/say]

She probably should have asked at the time, but she couldn't be bothered and didn't want to give her father any kind of attention and give him a reason to sweep things under the carpet more by giving him something else to talk about. Besides, taking her with could have come with the possibility of her asking, so then it would be odd if he was doing something he shouldn't. [say]"Going to give him a grain of belief that he's not doing anything stupid. And if it turns out he is indeed stabbing the Drench in the back, I'd rather move out to the streets than stay under the same roof."[/say]

The remaining thoughts of her father working for the Plates are pushed away as Adam seems to really hook onto her mentioning of staying with someone and she rolls her eyes. [say]"Saints, you sound like my boss at the bar. Sometimes I wonder if he pays me more for personal gossip than actual work."[/say] She shakes her head, but the smirk remains on her face, and she moves over to look through a rusty oil barrel filled with various junk.

[say]"But yeah, I think he's hot."[/Say] She peers up at Adam and matches his grin with one of her own. [say]"His place's really cool too. Got gemstones and trinkets everywhere from stuff he's working on or whatnot. It's a bit like being in a treasure chamber or something."[/say]
[say]"Well, least he's got one thing right, then."[/say] Of course, there were plenty of ways to be entirely loyal to the Drench and still be an asshole, but a lack of cahoots with the Plates put one at ease. Adam nodded in agreement about her choice to move out should her father be doing anything traitorous - if she stood by him and the streets found out, she wouldn't be alive much longer. The Drench didn't take well to proud turncoats.

He began to sort through a pile of what seemed to be trashed chairs. Not useful on the surface, but a decent sheet of metal would give him something to build the entire contraption on. Deciding between seemingly indentical metal seats with lazer precision, he laughed and shrugged.

[say]"It's the obvious question! Sounds good, though...is he rich? S'only guy I know with loads of trinkets sells 'em for cheap down here..."[/say] Not really putting two and two together, Adam finally decided on one of the metal pieces and set the other down.
Her father probably gets along with everyone else he interacts with on a daily basis, same as her. Just that towards each other, it didn't work at all. It didn't help that her father think the side he sees is her only side and sometimes even comments on how she can have her jobs with that bad attitude of hers. Which of course only made her snap back even more at him. But despite all that, she still can't picture him being a traitor to the Drench.

When Adam mentions knowing someone selling trinkets, Ira starts putting two and two together, but doesn't want to assume anything too soon. Though she had not seen that many people selling jewellery down in the Drench. She gives a small shrug at the question, honestly not sure and nothing she has reflected much on. [say]"Guess he's as rich as any other average Drencher around here, not that it matters much to me. He's really nice, at least."[/say] Saints know she could use someone nice close to her for once.

She carefully lifts out a heap of moldy old cloth from the barrel to better see what more is in it. [say]"But the one you know... Does he happen to have black and red hair by any chance?"[/say] She crosses her arms over the edge of the barrel and leans on it while looking over to Adam, curious to see if they just happen to be talking about the same person here.
[say]"That's good. If someone is a dick to you like that you gotta tell 'em to fuck off. Life's too short to mess around with someone who's an asshole."[/say] Experimentally, he tried to bend the sheet of metal around his knee to see how flexible it was - it bounced back into place, almost shooting up and slicing his face in half. With a flinch, he stumbled back and listened to Ira speak while he recovered, wiping his brow.

He made a face at the cloth she lifted, but it was quickly replaced with a grin and nod. [say]"Oh, yeah! You mean Uldren? He gave me some of his water last season, good guy."[/say] Adam had come away from the conversation a bit baffled as to why Uldren was staying in Kotoll, but with the impression that he was good for the Drenchers. [say]"When did that happen? You two, I mean?"[/say]
She just manages to keep a neutral expression to what Adam says, but he might be too busy almost cutting his own face off to have noticed even if there was any visible reaction to his words. She probably could have used someone saying that to her during her last relationship and it left a bitter taste in her mouth, but she is quick to push those gloomy thoughts to the back of her mind again and focuses on checking so that Adam looks alright and is not bleeding or anything.

When he confirms they are talking about the same person, she nods at him with a smile and goes back to digging through the barrel, soon fishing out a handful of mattress springs that she sets aside before continuing searching.

[say]"Been going since the start of last season. Or, we first met just before that masquerade thing. Got curious of his booth and stopped for a chat. Didn't run into each other again until next season and it went from there."[/say] And it had gone quite quickly too, but since she'd never had any second thoughts, she couldn't say it had gone too fast. It had just been going the pace it wanted too and it had worked without issues so far. Apart from one tiny big problem, but that one had been dealt with quickly.

Pushing those gloomy thoughts back as well before she can start thinking too much of it, she glances up at Adam. [say]"How much do you know him, then?"[/say] She reaches down to the bottom of the barrel and pulls up a power cord, but gives it a disappointed look when it's been cut in the other end and whatever it had once been attached to is nowhere to be seen.
[say]"Oh, that fucking masquerade thing."[/say] Adam laughed, pushing a hand up to rub at his cheek at those memories. [say]"Hey, that's when I met you...that hangover was rough."[/say] Maybe it had been a blessing he'd gotten as drunk as he did, since it meant he no longer remembered the final events of the evening, but the pounding headache had been epic enough to still give a few throbs whenever it was recalled.

The gap left by his picking up the scrap metal was not empty - he looked down to see a very promising object, something that might have once been a speaker, with wires and parts that could be useful; with a rather undignified 'ooooh', Adam bent down to pick it up and turn it around before his eyes.

[say]"Not much. Met him once, but I like t'think I'm pretty good at judging people and he seems okay."[/say] Setting the box down on his knee, he began to try and claw out the speakers with his nails. [say]"Gotta get good at it down here, huh? Specially in my line of work. Sometimes the Plates sends down people to pretend to be tryin' to sell illegal shit - they're always pretty obvious, though."[/say]
She chuckles quietly and sends Adam another smirk at the memory. [say]"Yeah, I remember you looking a lil' bit worn out when you came in. Most people did that morning."[/say] She shakes her head with another soft laugh and leaves the barrel alone when it's clear there's nothing of interest in it. Adam, however, seems to find something by the sound of it and she gives him an amused look as he picks up the speaker-looking object.

Hearing that he thinks Uldren is okay brings a small smile to her face. She herself is probably horribly biased in her opinion, so it's nice to hear someone else finding him alright at least. Then the mentioning of Platers sending down people has her huff with another roll of her eyes.

[say]"Tell me about it. Had a funny moment with that not too long after that supposed bombing. One came to the bar, as they do sometimes. And you know, a lot of people were talking about the whole thing already, but it's one thing to casually discuss theories and another to obviously be fishing for information."[/say]

She takes a quick look around after a new target for searching, considering a couple of the broken down cars half sunken into the mud. [say]"So I started spinning him this wild story about the planning and whatnot and guy couldn't have been less subtle. He looked soo excited over just being handed oh so valuable information. Sure, me feeding him drinks didn't help him much. Spying when drunk turned out to not work well for him and he looked like he wanted to crawl over the counter just to hear more. He did figure out we'd spent the last hour fucking with him when my boss finally lost it and couldn't hold in the laughter anymore."[/say]

Grinning, she makes her way over to the remains of one of the cars to have a look through it. Perhaps it's been robbed of any electronics already, but maybe there could be something else of interest still left. Who knows, maybe someone left a bag of money or stolen goods. Or a body. Not that she'd like to have a murder mystery on her hands...
Adam enjoyed any story that revolved around messing with Enforcers, and Ira's was no exception. While he picked apart wires from clumps of mud or trash, he laughed and shook his head along with her words. [say]"Man, they're so fucking unsubtle with it. Hello, I'm not an Enforcer, how do you do?"[/say]

He was about to delve into his own story of Enforcer stupidity when a sudden cold drop of rain hit his nose, making him flinch and look up. [say]"Aw, fuck."[/say] While they had been talking, the sky above had turned an ominous shade of dark grey, the clouds looking heavy and ready to provide the downpour of a century. With how far they'd come into the Drowning Trails, it was unlikely they'd make it out before the ground became a slurry of rushing mud.

[say]"Uuuhhhh..."[/say] Adam looked around, assuming the danger was obvious to Ira and didn't need explaining. All Drench kids had been warned about the Trails, through horror stories told by parents or bones that people would claim came from there once the mud had dried and spat them out. He scanned the area for anywhere they could hide and his eyes fell on one particular car, looking solid enough in it's placement on a hefty pile of junk. [say]"...How about we go sit out the rain up there?"[/say]
[say]"At least it makes our lives easier whenever they decide to send one of those down, rather than those that actually cause us real problems."[/say] As much as she likes making fun of the Platers and Enforcers coming down and just tripping all over themselves, she is still prefers them to the alternative if she has a choice.

She doesn't feel the rain at first, but soon after she hears Adam cursing she also hears a couple of heavy drops land against the roof of the car she started searching around in. Quickly, she gets out and has a look at the sky, to Adam and then at their surroundings. As soon as he suggests the car on top of the pile as cover, she nods and makes for it. [say]"Yeah, let's."[/say]

Knowing very well that any second of hesitation could make a huge difference and since there's no better option in sight, there's no time to be too picky.

She climbs up the pile while trying to avoid slipping, getting stuck or cut on anything. A pointy metal rod sticking out at a hidden angle snags a side pocket of her pants and makes a cut through the fabric of the leg, but she doesn't stop to check on it until she reaches the car and makes her way inside it.

[say]"Well, this is cosy."[/say] Settling into the backseat and inspecting her leg, she is relieved to see that it's only the clothes that suffered repairable damage and not her actual leg.
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