
Full Version: All You Can Scarf
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Closer to the other food stalls sits a table, covered in large bowls of Popli stacked high. A man with a mask covering only his eyes munches on his own bowl and explains the rules to anyone who stops long enough to catch his attention.

“[say]It’s simple, I time how long it takes you to finish the deluxe bowl, and then the best time at the end of the night gets a prize.[/say]” The game seems easy enough, especially considering how delicious the fried dough looks and smells.

Welcome to the Health event! Each character will get one chance to scarf down a bowl of street food as fast as they can.

This is a HLT roll
Food for free there Siegfried does not let rag for long. Whether he has a good chance here, he doesn't care, he's hungry. If you can still have fun why not. A wonderful combination. Maybe would be the Statanbraten(His brother) In anfreuern or laugh at any.

Laughter was important in this situation. People need such a thing simply, again and again, to forget the bad around once to be able. He had to make himself a monkey or a clown for it was all the same. So he put a napkin around his neck, put the mask aside, and grinned broadly as the whole thing started here. This Town make so much fun.
As the night goes on, people come and go to the food section of the event. But as Sigfried arrives, another challenging call for the food contest is up for grabs, the rules explained by the man sitting there digging into his own bowl. It’s a mixture of cranberry, rice, and a ground meat of some kind, the very same that gets set down in front of Sigfried to take his attempt at the food eating challenge.

As Sigfried dives into his bowl. He’ll find that the rice seems to fill him up a bit faster than otherwise anticipated, and his time lands him around the seventeen minute mark to scarf it all down. The man gets up to take his name and add it and his time to the ongoing board of participants, flashing a toothy grin as his empty bowl is gathered to be cleaned and set out for the next participant.
A broad smile appears on Siegfried's face and he is satisfied. The food was excellent and yes he was not exactly the fastest but he enjoyed every bite.

He wipes his mouth with the napkin and smiles broadly. The most important thing was that his hunger was satisfied and he had fun. [say]"Thank you for the good food."[/say] He gave a quick nod and put his mask back on and walked briskly on his way. Time will tell if his time was good.
You can't say you have properly experienced the festival without having tried at least a few of the things on offer, and this challenge simply smelled too good to walk by.

Cian was stopped by the scent at first and after hearing the rules, decides to step up to have a go at a bowl. Even if he were to not be the fastest eater at the end of the day, he still gets a good sized meal out of it!

Once it becomes his turn to be handed a bowl, he takes a deep breath and digs in! He chews only as much as he needs to be able to swallow, then takes the next one. Perhaps he could eat faster than the time it took for his body to realize it was becoming full.
Her stomach had started grumbling about an hour in, and much as she would deny it, Mallorie was drawn to the stall by the tendril scent of something delicious. Not her usual fare, but more than enough for the hunger pangs.

She hesitated when she realised what the stall was; the concept of eating for sport was more than a little off-putting, though she supposed she could see the appeal. People made competition out of everything. She wasn’t sure she was hungry enough to take part, but she wasn’t quite restrained enough to turn away and find another stall.

This was a new night, for a new Mallorie, after all. No one had to know she took part in something so silly - and her mask made it likely that no one would know anyway. Yes, the more she thought about it, the more it seemed a good idea. Free food was free food, and this would be a good chance to apply her tactical knowledge to a new situation - to test her adaptability! Her stomach rumbling was not, in any way, a part of this decision.

She stepped up, politely asked for a go, and approached her bowl with the grim determination of a general looking upon a battlefield.
Two more challengers approach…

If nothing else, it certainly is free food, but the rules are laid out for both Cian and Mallorie to hear, the bowls placed in front of them and the timer starting the second they begin to dig in.

Cian has yet another stroke of luck, finishing his plate with a ravishing hunger that times him in less than five minutes, his name added to the board and a prize given merely for accomplishing such a time.

Mallorie has less luck despite her determination. She tries desperately hard to finish the bowl – especially timed in the way that they are, but it still takes her roughly eighteen minutes to finish the bowl. Her name gets added to the board as well, for a raffle drawing later for her attempts.

Cian finishes within five minutes and receives a goodie bag of flavored popcorn and lollipops!

Mallorie finishes in eighteen minutes and gets her name added to the board of participants for another reward later on!