
Full Version: Lam's Tracker
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T0 Artisan
T1 Requirements:

    Reach 10 in any stat
    1 thread where your character practices their craft with a T2 or higher artisan.

T0 Militant
T1 Requirements:

    Reach 10 Prowess
    1 thread where your character practices fighting with a T2 or higher militant.

T2 Informant
T3 Requirements:

    8 points spent in a vocation’s tree.
    Participate in 1 CE
    Meet a character with T2 or above in a vocation, one per vocation

    Sunjata - Informant T2
    Nate - Survivor T2
    Mallorie - Militant T2

    Reach 15 Dexterity
    Participate in a stakeout.

T0 Survivor
T1 Requirements:

    Reach 10 Fortune OR Health
    1 thread where your character explores with a T2 or higher survivor.

T0 Mage
T1 Requirements:

    Reach 10 Attunement
    1 Thread where your character studies magic with a T2 or higher mage.

Threads to Spend:
sometimes I wonder Information gained from Sunjata. Spent for +1 Dex

Kivan 1245

Thread with someone your character has never met before.
With Uldren
A thread where your character attempts to find ways to cool off.
With Mallorie
A thread relating to your vocation.