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Do I need Discord?

All pertinent site information will be available on the site! While we encourage you to join in the discord and hang out with us for the ease of plotting and quick information, it’s not at all necessary.

How long should a post be?

A post should be at minimum 100 words, or a small paragraph, but we recommend writing whatever you’d like! Just keep in mind that this is a collaborative writing group, so be sure to give your partner something to work with, and be sure to engage with their post as well!

How often am I expected to post?

There is no minimum posts needed, however if an account has not posted in over a month they will be tagged as inactive. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, please utilize the ‘Away’ function. Again, please keep in mind this is a collaborative group, so if you will be leaving please let your writing partners know what to expect!

Character Creation

Can I play as a character from a franchise or other story?

No, we only accept original characters. OC's originally made for other settings or franchises are fine, so long as they can be made to fit into the world! If you are unsure how to do that, please feel free to reach out to the Admin team!

Can I use anime face claims?

While we would prefer more realistic FC’s, so long as you have permission from the artist to use their work you may use whatever art you like.

In Character

How does the site deal with 50s-era bigotry (racism, homophobia, etc); are players expected to engage with it? Are they allowed to?

While some of the general aesthetic is drawn from the 50s, this does not include bigotry or hateful speech/actions. While things like racism or homophobia may be part of a character’s backstory, they are not things we want to encourage or allow casually. Everyone may have personal prejudices, but they will predominantly be based around social classes, and things like racism, sexism, homophobia, and sexual assaults are strictly banned between PC’s, but may be mentioned in an appropriately tagged NPC thread.

What is the site currency?

The IC currency is called Lasti, and is generally represented by small (approx. 1/2 inch wide to between 1.5 to 3 inches [1cm wide, 4-8cm long]) metal bars made with different metals and with different designs depending on specific values. OOC currency is called flair, and can be redeemed for any of the rewards noted in the store page. You can ready more on the Currency article.

What's the average lifespan for Drenchers vs Plates?

Due to access to better and faster healthcare, and healthier foods and environment in general, people on the Plates tend to be longer lived than people in the Drench, on average living to their 80s compared to the Drench average of 65.

What professions are common in the Drench? On the Plates?

Manual labour jobs are very common in the drench, as are foragers and scavengers (both referred to casually as ‘Pickers’). The Drench is generally where manufacturing factories are located as well, and many people are employed by their local factory, leading to small, generally good natured rivalries between areas. It’s also common for more affluent Drenchers to work on the edges of the Plates in retail positions, or as domestic and commercial cleaners and maintenance people, though a license and proper and accurate documentation is required to ride the official trams up. There’s a wide range of professions on the Plates, though generally people are still limited based on their social standing. Noble relatives fill high up positions, and availability then trickles down based on nepotism, with just enough people rise up based on performance to keep others motivated. The lowest of the Plated work alongside those Drenched lucky enough to maintain the clearance needed to work on the Plates.