Flora & Fauna

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An expanding list of creatures and plants within Kotoll. In here you'll find a list of regular creatures (think every day flora and fauna that you can find out in the world right now) as well as entries for the fantasy flora and fauna created to fit within Kotoll.

For the entries made, there will be separated designations to show how common it is to come across these:

  • Ordinary - Found consistently and easily.
  • Unique - May take a few posts to find.
  • Paragon - Incredibly difficult to find, you'd be lucky to find these on your first try. (Please message Admin if you're seeking a paragon creature).

As well as designations to show whether they can be used as companions or shapes for a mage's familiar:

  • Companion symbol: 🐾
  • Familiar symbol: 🔥

There will also be locations where they can be found and which season you can find them in.

It is important to note that each of the creatures designated as companions can also be pets bought for your characters. They will not have the bonding capabilities that companions have (speech and the like) but would be like any other ordinary pet.


Unk'Kotoll's climate is a harsh one, with wild swinging seasons that cover everything from extremely wet and humid seasons to intense drought seasons. Many of the species have adapted for survival. It's common to find every day creatures from before the Last Days still thriving well within Unk'kotoll, such as: herons, egrets, flamingos, crows, owls, waterfowl, rattlesnakes, mud snakes, pit vipers, cottonmouths, coral snakes, rainbow snakes, skinks, alligator snapping turtles, soft shell turtles, wild hogs, black bears, mountain lions, swamp rabbits, squirrels, deer, muskrats, minks, raccoons, rats, opossums, foxes, beavers, bobcats, coyotes, fire ants, beetles, cicadas toad bugs, wasps, pillbugs, earwigs, wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, luna moths, biting flies, tree frogs, bullfrogs, salamanders, crawfish, dogfish, bass, breams, oysters, alligator gars, sharks, eels, shrimp, and catfish, to name a few.

  • Batsudi 🐾 (Ordinary, found in all areas, Kivan) — The Batsudi, a scaled chimp like mammal with a large thick collar of fur and brightly coloured bellies, a common pet in the Drench and Plates due to their socializing skills, easy trainability, and proclivity to violent loyalty.
  • Bizu Bugs 🔥 (Unique in the Plates, Ordinary in The Drench, all seasons) — Bizu bug swarms are technically a hive mind of one elemental, taking the shape of at least a dozen sparking insects, their bodies fat with electricity. They seem to prefer being over bodies of water or around large power sources, and as such are especially striking around the Plate's cores in the Drench.
  • Dipund 🐾 (Paragon in the Plates, Ordinary in the Drench, all seasons) — A large, generally docile beast of burden that's common in the Drench and especially around the Scapes. They have a long jaw, with shovel-like bottom teeth and a prehensile nose, so they can forage in muddy ponds, and strong claws for digging. Generally their faces and legs are covered in short coarse fur while their bodies and thick tails are covered in long wool, often sheared in Kivan and woven into waterproof cloth.
  • Diving Scorpions 🐾 (Ordinary, found in all areas, Kivan/Drenak) — Diving scorpions are scorpions that lay their eggs in the mud at the end of the dry season and let their offspring develop like tadpoles, (with the occasional rare genetic mutation like salamanders that keep them in this nymph stage their whole life).
  • Flying Snakes 🐾 🔥 (Unique, Plates and The Drench, all seasons) — An imported reptile which comes in a few different varieties. The most common variety is a typical scaled snake with bat-like leathery wings, while the most rare type being a fur coated wurm-like snake with feathered wings. Difficult to breed within Unk'Kotoll, this creature is nearly always part of the exotic import trade.
  • Giant Venomous Toad (Paragon, found in Vollug/The Drench, Drenak) — A large venomous toad species with venomous spurs in each of its feet. They are violently territorial, though usually don’t come close enough to the city to be an issue. Occasionally though, a particularly heavy flood season will entice one into settling nearby.
  • Gumgi (Ordinary, found in all areas, Drenak) — A large single cell algae that blooms in abundance during the floods. Fresh gumgi is an incredibly potent hallucinogenic, but as it dries the potency fades. It's most commonly imbibed once it’s been dried to a raisin like consistency, and produces an exhilarating mood enhancement and energy rush. If left too long it will dry to a powder and lose all potency.
  • Hemuskin Algae (Bloodrust Algae) (Paragon, found in both Plates and the Drench, Drenak) — An algae that only blooms when conditions are just right, it has been many years since it’s last been seen. While young it is impossible to notice in water, save for an incredibly minor increase in viscosity. After a few weeks of flood conditions (abundant water, low light) the algae blooms in large, reddish clouds. At all stages of the algae’s lifecycle, it causes Rust rash and other complications, the algae eating into skin and causing scale like lesions in the places it’s been exposed to, internal and external. Generally, at the blooming point of its lifecycle, it’s eaten away by a common scrubit isopod and it’s spores are passed through and returned to the river sediment, where they must dry out fully in order to start its life cycle again.
  • Miasmoths 🔥 (Ordinary, The Drench, Kivan) — Seasonal swarms of moths that fill the Drench during Kivan. Their wings are lacy and iridescent, and their fat bodies emit a scent that will always smell like a person's favourite thing.
  • Mole Centipedes (Ordinary, found in The Drench, Drenak/Tanul) — Mole centipedes, large (between 3-15ft on average, largest recorded in the Drench was 53ft and approximately 6ft around) subterranean centipedes that become a problem in the wet season when they surface to escape the water, they’re also a Drench delicacy!
  • Mud Eels (Ordinary, found in all areas, all seasons) — a variety of eel that survives the long dry season by hibernating in dry river beds. Their black meat is slimy and bitter, but their vivid blue eggs are a delicacy. They’re often raised in the same fields as Taniksin Lotus'.
  • Mugwi (Paragon, Tsunkrall Lake/The Drench, Tanul) — Mugwi represent the few Mugwumps that both survive to adulthood and morph to their full adult form. The mugwi is a patient but ruthless predator, perfectly suited to its aquatic domain.
  • Mugwump 🐾 (Ordinary in the Plates, Unique in The Drench, all seasons) — A paedomorphic form of the larger, more aggressive mugwi, the mugwump is a common pet among people on the Plate and Drench alike. Known for its playful temperament and multiple colours and morphs, the mugwump makes a good companion, and prefers a primarily territorial existence.
  • Pakroko 🐾 (Ordinary, found in all areas, all seasons) — Pakroko’s, or simply Kroko’s, are a commonly kept reptile, bred for their fancy tails and unique colourings. They live wild in the Drench in family groups containing up to thirty individuals, and display far more muted colours and patterns.
  • Scrubit Isopod (Scrubbug, subbug, hitcher beetle, sneakbeet, gillsickle) (Ordinary, found in the Drench, All seasons) — A common isopod that is most often found parasitizing the gills of various marsh fish. Due to the mud eels partially terrestrial existence, they are the most common carrier. Larval isopods can survive only on land, but as they grow older and larger they become more tolerant of water, so long as it is supplemented by some oxygen source, whether that be from gills or pearling plants. They are a necessary predator of hemuskin algae, feeding on their oxygen rich bodies and allowing the algae to reset their life cycle.
  • Snap Hound 🐾 (Unique, The Plates, all seasons) — The preferred pet of Enforcers, these highly trainable and loyal dogs have been bred to be quick, clever, and do well in the swamp. Their large feet are webbed, while long, strong legs and a stocky body allows them to swim with relative ease.
  • Taniksin Lotus (Ordinary, found in all areas, all seasons) — An agricultural staple, this lotus has multiple varieties:
    • Flower Variety: Grown for flowers which are used for inks. It also commonly produces rhizomes high in a psychoactive chemical, which is often either sliced thin and fried or powdered.
    • Reed Variety: Grown for their greenery, the reeds are used for sugar, animal feed, and some recipes. It often produces an abundance of seeds as well, which are either dried or fermented.
    • Rhizome Variety: Grown for their thick roots which are harvested during the dry season, these are a hearty, starchy root that is found in many dishes.
  • Tomi Rats 🐾 🔥 (Ordinary, The Drench, Tanul/Drenak) — An opportunistic and aquatic marsupial, this strong swimmer usually grows a foot long from tip to tail and is covered in thick black fur with patchy red guard hairs and a bare tail. They are omnivorous, though prefer meat and insects whenever possible, and are not picky about their sources. They are highly social, and can be tamed easily, though they tend to prefer a large social group.
  • Weeping Creepers (Ordinary in the Plates, Unique in The Drench, all seasons) — These carnivorous plants are widely grown by people on the Plates, and are especially popular along the edges. These thick vines cling to the sides of the Plates with a network of tendrils and air roots and grow pitcher flowers, attracting anything small enough to fit in them. During Drenak they often overflow and pour their acidic nectar on the Drench.


  • Rindaru — Grown primarily in Palladol, this strange pale orange fruit is unique for having a thick peel over each segment, which grow in long, twisted shapes. This prevents dry spells from ruining the entire fruit, as each section protects itself. It has a sharp citrus taste and is used in a wide variety of dishes, though too much of it can result in a bitter taste.