
From Kotoll
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Kotoll has three seasons that last 3 months OOC. Each season has three tiers to signify the beginning, the height, and the end of the season. Their prefixes are: "early", "high", and "late".


Tanul is the equivalent of spring and the early part of summer. This is the prime time where crops are planted, where the continent recovers from the terrible floods of Drenak. It's a time for growth and repair, often portrayed with bright sunny days with a few clouds in the sky. It's considered the most hopeful of the seasons.


Kivan is the equivalent of most of summer and the first half of autumn. The rain and cloud cover disperse to warm up the continent with little reprieve. It’s easy and nice at first, however by the middle of the season to the end, droughts are incredibly common and the chance of fire is high. Burn bans often go into effect toward the latter half of the season.


Drenak is the equivalent of the latter half of autumn and all of winter. With the continent having become incredibly dry, the rains move in quickly making way for Kotoll’s flood season. It’s made harsher by the incredibly dry season beforehand, and while it doesn’t snow in most of Kotoll, it’s rare to get a day where it doesn’t at least drizzle. Toward the middle of the month, flooding is a common occurrence.