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Some traditions within Kotoll that the majority of the populace would know of and abide by.

The Swim Test

An old barbaric tradition meant to keep the strongest and best of the bloodlines thriving. When a noble child reaches six years old, they are taken to the Drowning Trails (or the equivalent of in regards to whichever state they come from), and essentially dropped from the side of one of the spanning bridges over the river and told to make it down the river where it evens out. Typically it’s a difficult process and not every child manages to make the trip. Those that do are often rewarded with titles of heirs or more important roles within the family.

Noble Child Gaps/Restrictions

It’s unlikely for noble families to have a lot of children - often focusing on an old fashioned way of two children to start, usually in an attempt to continue the bloodline. Many Aristocratic families wait six years (the time for the Swim Test to arrive) before continuing to have more children, it all depends on how well their first child does in the Swim Test. Bourgeoisie families and other lower noble families depending on tradition will usually cut that wait period in half, choosing to have them every three years.