Nagela Garsen
The enigmatic head of the Garsen family and the current keeper of the Seat of Saints, Nagela is a waifish body fronting for a razor sharp mind, her keen eyes finding ways to control those in her family and country with hardly any effort.
T0 Mage
T0 Militant
T5 Informant Spymaster
Office- You're extra sneaky. Sneak sneak sneak.
- Can roll a DEX challenge to detect spies in your thread.
- Advantage on evading in combat.
- Can sell information.
- Roll with advantage on stealth checks.
- Sticky Fingers | Can attempt to steal an item once per season.
- Intercept a piece of correspondence once per season. (Message determined by random dice roll).
- Forge a piece of correspondence once per season.
T0 Artisan
T0 Survivor
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